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Software Installation for Measurement Nodes

Introduction and Overview

This document provides the necessary steps required for the installation and configuration of the Inform@Risk LoRa Nodes. The Inform@Risk LoRaBasis software requires only open-source libraries and dependencies to be installed in order to setup the LoRa nodes. For more information about the hardware on the PCB, please check the corresponding hardware documentation under \href{}{}. A short overview of the hardware is given in the subsequent section.

Software Overview

Hardware Setup to Upload and Test the Nodes

In order for the nodes to work, the PCB has to be prepared as shown in the last instruction manual (1 - Measurement Node). A power supply, such as a battery or solar powered lid, or a power supply with 3.5-15~V is needed since the nodes can not be powered by USB any more after removing the connection (Step 6 in part 3.1 'Preparation of the PCB and bottom part'). Then, a micro-usb cable is used to connect the Arduino to a computer. Please note that this micro-usb cable needs to be able to transmit data (charging-only cables don't work!). Also, because of the tight space in the enclosure, an angled plug is convenient or even necessary. An example setup is shown in the subsequent figure.

Example of hardware setup for uploading code to the arduino. In this example, additional sensors are attached at the bottom.

Setting up Inform@Risk Software

First, install the Arduino IDE from Either the regular Arduino IDE or the newer Arduino IDE 2.0, which has updated editor functionality, can be used. The following screenshots are from the regular IDE, v. 1.8.19 (see following figure).

Download pages for the regular IDE (left) and the version 2.0 (right).

When the IDE is installed, open the file “LoRaBasis\textunderscore InformRisk\textunderscore VXX”, with XX representing the current version number. You will see a similar screen to the one below.

Inform@Risk Measurement Node software when opened for the first time. Note the seven tabs on the top which correspond to the 'h' files.

The tabs correspond to the ‘.h’ files in the folder in which the Arduino file is located. The .h files have different functions, which are explained below. If the Inform@Risk board is used, usually only the Uni\textunderscore Config.h file needs to be changed by the user.

The tabs' functions are as follows:

Name Functionality
LoRaBasis_InformRisk Main Code, which houses the main setup and loop functionality
ADC_Config.h Configuration file for the ADC (Analog‐Digital Converter) ADS1220
SCL_Config.h Configuration file for the SCL3300 inclination board
SMN_Config.h Configuration file for the Subsurface Sensors on the Subsurface Measurement Node
Uni_Config.h Universal configuration file: Stores universal parameters such as measurement and sleep time and sensor states
arduino_secrets.h Secret App EUI and Key which are stored on the gateway server for connection
extra_functions.h Some additional functions
en/monitoring_and_warning/software.1674485442.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/23 14:50 by m-gamperl